David Scott
Edexcel A-level Chemistry Student Guide: Practical Chemistry
David Scott
- Philip Allan
- 5 Juin 2017
- 9781471885693
Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: A-level
Subject: Chemistry
First Teaching: September 2015
First Exam: June 2016
Ensure your students get to grips with the core practicals and develop the skills needed to succeed with an in-depth assessment-driven approach that builds and reinforces understanding; clear summaries of practical work with sample questions and answers help to improve exam technique in order to achieve higher grades.
Written by experienced teacher and author David Scott, this Student Guide for practical Chemistry:
- Help students easily identify what they need to know with a concise summary of required practical work examined in the A-level specifications.
- Consolidate understanding of practical work, methodology, mathematical and other skills out of the laboratory with exam tips and knowledge check questions, with answers in the back of the book.
- Provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve exam technique with sample answers, examiners tips and exam-style questions.
- Offer support beyond the Student books with coverage of methodologies and generic practical skills not focused on in the textbooks. -
This book provides an account of an original educational philosophy, developed by one of the most significant philosophers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, Roy Bhaskar. Though he directed his attention to wider matters than education, his philosophy has implications for the way we can understand how the world is structured and in turn how we can transform it to accommodate a desire for a better arrangement of resources for human well-being. It is thus both a theory of mind and world and in addition, a theory of education. Roy Bhaskar's philosophy has a view on the following important matters: intentionality, agential capacity, materialism, the possibility of describing and changing the world, progression, education and the lifecourse, essentialism and human nature, pedagogy, knowledge and knowledge-development, the formation of the self, curricular aims and objectives, being with other people, the self in the learning process, the relationship between the self (or agency) and the environment, stratification, emergence, representation and its different modes, structures and mechanisms, the dialectic and criticality.
New Perspectives on Curriculum, Learning and Assessment
David Scott
- Springer
- 3 Novembre 2015
- 9783319228310
This book offers a detailed analysis and assessment of the state of education round the world. The argument is made that education and curriculum practices are deficient for two reasons. The first is the adoption by governments, policy-makers and practitioners of a set of knowledge practices that can be broadly characterised as empiricist and technicist, and which has come to dominate how curricula are constructed and certainly how education systems and their work can be described. The second is the adoption of a model of curriculum that is both backward-looking and, in its own terms, confused and muddled. This book then sets out an alternative model, which is more cogent and better focused on human wellbeing.
This book explores curricular, teaching and learning practices in schools in England and in higher education institutions, and considers the damaging effects of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) for UK higher education institutions, international comparative assessment systems such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and broadly, how educational judgements are now made about educational matters. David Scott criticizes the implementation of neo-liberal policies and practices in education systems round the world, management and control system approaches, and empiricist/positivist research agendas. The book offers an account of a new education model, which is directly in opposition to agendas currently supported by the right of the political spectrum. It will be of interest to teachers and students of education, the education research community, practising and trainee teachers, and education policy makers.
This book offers insights into how design-based processes, principles, and mindsets can be productively employed in diverse P-16 educational spaces by a myriad of educational actors including teachers, instructional leaders, and students. It addresses concerns about the theoretical and practical implications of the still emergent emphasis of design in education. The book begins by examining a number of prominent design processes being used by educators including human-centred design, designing for authentic inquiries, and Universal Design for Learning. It then delves into how teachers, system leaders, and students can engage in educational design within the complex spaces of K-12 contexts. Finally, the book takes up design in education within a maker and making context. Each chapter includes a vignette, a series of guiding questions, along with specific design principles that can help address common challenges and issues educators encounter in their practice.
This book provides both theoretical and practical elements involved in educational design and is beneficial to scholars, graduate students, educators, and pre-service teachers. -
The SAGE Handbook of Learning
David Scott, Eleanore Hargreaves
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 17 Août 2015
- 9781473933606
"Profound and useful, readers will benefit from the systematic treatment of learning through superb scholarship. Cultural-philosophical-curricular-pedagogical-historical perspectives on learning, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, and learners make this collection unique." - Carol A. Mullen, Professor of Educational Leadership, Virginia Tech
Learning is a fundamental topic in education. Combining traditional views of learning and learning theory with sociocultural and historical perspectives, this Handbook brings together original contributions from respected researchers who are leading figures in the field. The editors provide a insightful introduction to the topic, and the theories, frameworks, themes and issues discussed in the individual chapters are central to each and every learning episode.
The Handbook is organized into four sections, each beginning with a short introduction: Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological Theories of Learning Models of Learning Learning, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment Learning Dispositions, Life-Long Learning and Learning Environments -
Curriculum Reform in the European Schools
David Scott, Sandra Leaton Gray, Peeter Mehisto
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Mai 2018
- 9783319714646
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.
This open access book examines the modern role of the European School system within the European Union, at a time when the global economy demands a new vision for contemporary education. The European schools are currently in a state of crisis: their 60-year-old tradition of bilingual and multilingual education is being strained by rapid EU expansion and the removal of English speaking teachers as a result of Brexit. Their tried and tested model of mathematics and science education has rapidly been overtaken by new developments in pedagogy and assessment research, while recruitment and retention of students and teachers has become increasingly fraught as European member states review what they are, and what they are not, prepared to fund. The authors draw on original and empirical research to assess the European Schools' place in a new Europe where the entire post-war European Project is potentially at risk. This well-researched volume will be of interest to practitioners working in European schools as well as students and scholars of EU politics and international education. -
L'opéra pour les nuls
David Pogue, Scott Speck, Claire Delamarche
- First
- Poche Pour Les Nuls
- 11 Mai 2023
- 9782412087152
Approchez mesdames et messieurs, l'opéra va commencer !
N'ayez plus peur de l'opéra en découvrant tous les aspects et tous les secrets de ce monde particulier, souvent associé à une idée d'élite. Il n'en est rien !
Avec ce livre, L'opéra pour les Nuls, vous parcourrez l'histoire de l'opéra à travers la vie des plus grands compositeurs, tel que Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, mais aussi à travers les plus grands opéras et leurs fascinantes histoires, résumés dans l'ouvrage et expliqués pas à pas dans le CD d'accompagnement (ou les pistes audio à télécharger).
Que vous soyez simplement curieux, amateur éclairé ou mélomane averti, ce livre musical comblera vos attentes lyriques !
Ce livre sur l'opéra vous donne les clés pour découvrir ce style musical si particulier. En dehors des idées reçues sur le côté élitiste de l'opéra, entrez dans un univers musical passionnant ou vous pourrez croiser Mozart, Verdi ou Wagner.
De son histoire à ses secrets, le monde de l'opéra et de la musique classique n'aura plus de secret pour vous grâce à ce livre sur la musique !
Puisque l'opéra possède une histoire fascinante, ce livre vous emmène dans les pas des plus grands compositeurs de musique classique et de leur vie (Mozart, Verdi, Wagner ...). Ce livre L'opéra pour les Nuls est fourni avec un CD d'accompagnement expliquant les plus grandes histoires et les plus grands secrets de l'opéra.
Que vous soyez déjà un passionné, ou un néophyte complet désireux de renforcer sa culture musicale à travers la musique classique, n'hésitez plus, ce livre de la collection pour les Nuls est fait pour vous ! -
La musique classique pour les nuls
David Pogue, Scott Speck, Claire Delamarche
- First
- Poche Pour Les Nuls
- 10 Novembre 2022
- 9782412082591
Mettez-vous au diapason !
Vous aimez la musique classique, mais, avouez-le, vous n'y connaissez pas grand-chose. Ce guide vous initie de manière sérieuse mais décontractée à l'univers de Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, etc. Grâce aux extraits musicaux, fournis sur le CD et en ligne, expliqués pas à pas dans l'ouvrage, les grands chefs-d'oeuvre de la musique classique n'auront plus de secret pour vous ! -
Batman rebirth Tome 1 : mon nom est Gotham
Tom King, Scott Snyder, David Finch
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 4 Avril 2022
- 9791026847175
De tout temps, Batman s'est vu comme le dernier rempart contre le chaos à Gotham, sa ville natale ! Mais que se passerait-il si un tandem de justiciers surhumains venait à lui voler la vedette et décidait de devenir les nouveaux protecteurs de la cité maudite ? Batman doit désormais composer avec les nouveaux venus : Gotham et Gotham Girl ! Contient Batman Rebirth Vol.1: I am Gotham (Batman Rebirth #1, Batman #1-6)
Black Widow : marvel knights
Greg Rucka, David Grayson, J.G. Jones, Scott Hampton, Igor Kordey
- Panini
- Best Of Marvel
- 21 Octobre 2020
- 9782809490800
Natasha Romanoff est une ancienne espionne soviétique, membre des Avengers depuis des années sous le nom de Black Widow. Mais Yelena Belova, une nouvelle étudiante de la Chambre Rouge, est bien décidée à abattre Natasha et à prendre sa place en tant que Black Widow... Retrouvez pour la première fois en librairie les trois mini-séries Black Widow de l'ère Marvel Knights.
À la fin des années 90, Joe Quesada lance le label Marvel Knights qui propose des approches plus orientées polar. Cet album compile ici les trois mini-séries consacrant l'héroïne en version Marvel Knights. Elles sont écrites par Greg Rucka (Punisher) et Devin Grayson (Nightwing) et illustrées par des artistes de renom : J.G. Jones (Wanted), Igor Kordey (New X-Men) et le peintre Scott Hampton (American Gods).
Shang-Chi : maître du kung-fu
Scott Lobdell, Warren Ellis, Jonathan Hickman, Carlos Pacheco, David Aja,
- Panini
- Best Of Marvel
- 25 Août 2021
- 9782809497977
Shang-Chi est de retour mais son maléfique père aussi ! Le héros va avoir besoin de l'aide de tous ses anciens alliés pour déjouer les nouveaux plans de son aïeul, d'autant qu'il n'agit pas seul : le Maître du Kung Fu va devoir affronter le demi-frère qu'il ignorait avoir ! Rien ne sera plus jamais comme avant !
Doug Moench et Paul Gulacy, deux auteurs souvent associés au personnage de Shang-Chi, ont raconté cette histoire au début des années 2000, dans le cadre du label MAX (Pour Lecteurs Avertis) de Marvel. Une saga complète rééditée à l'occasion de la sortie en salles de Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings.
The darkness Tome 4 ; destination infernale
Scott Lobdell, Paul Jenkins, Clarence Lansang, David Finch, Marc Silvestri
- Delcourt
- Contrebande
- 4 Juillet 2012
- 9782756028941
Destination les Enfers pour ce nouvel épisode où Jackie Estacado se confronte à la puissance de sa soeur. Il y fait également la connaissance d'une jeune femme, Kamala, dont le fils peut ressentir son côté obscur. La route de la rédemption est semée d'embûches pour Estacado. Et le Darkness ne lui sera d'aucun secours cette fois... Au contraire.
Deadpool : l'art de la guerre
Peter David, Adam Glass, Scott Koblish, Paco Medina
- Panini
- 4 Novembre 2015
- 9782809461275
L'Art de la guerre de Sun Tzu est le premier traité de stratégie militaire. De tout temps, il a influencé de nombreux dirigeants dans les domaines de la guerre et des affaires. Mais aujourdhui, vous allez découvrir une version inédite de ce classique, une oeuvre destinée à surpasser l'originale : L'Art de la guerre de Deadpool !
The updated ninth edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, jam-packed with new AI techniques and fresh stories of success As the ways we communicate continue to evolve, keeping pace with the latest technology-including generative artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT-can seem an almost impossible task. How can you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter? The ninth edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR offers everything you need to speak directly to your audience, make a strong personal connection, and generate attention for your business. An international bestseller with half a million copies sold in twenty-nine languages, this revolutionary guide gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for deploying the power of social media, AI, and content to maintain your competitive advantage and get your ideas seen and heard by the right people at the right time. You'll discover the latest approaches for highly effective public relations, marketing, and customer communications-all at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising! The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR has been completely revised to present highly effective strategies and tactics to help you get found by your buyers. The most important and comprehensive update to this international bestseller yet shows you details about the pros and cons of using generative AI, the most significant development in modern marketing and public relations since the first edition of this book was published back in 2007. The definitive guide on the future of marketing used as a primary resource in thousands of companies and hundreds of university courses, this must-have resource will help you: Incorporate the new rules that will keep you ahead of the digital marketing curve Make your marketing and public relations real-time by incorporating techniques like newsjacking to generate instant attention exactly when your audience is eager to hear from you Gain valuable insights through compelling case studies and real-world examples, showing you how to use the latest AI tools without losing the personal touch in your communications WThe ninth edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly is the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and managers in organizations of all types and sizes.
Educator Stress
Teresa Mendonca Mcintyre, Scott E. Mcintyre, David j. Francis
- Springer
- 28 Août 2017
- 9783319530536
This book brings together the most current thinking and research on educator stress and how education systems can support quality teachers and quality education. It adopts an occupational health perspective to examine the problem of educator stress and presents theory-driven intervention strategies to reduce stress load and support educator resilience and healthy school organizations. The book provides an international perspective on key challenges facing educators such as teacher stress, teacher retention, training effective teachers, teacher accountability, cyber-bullying in schools, and developing healthy school systems. Divided into four parts, the book starts out by introducing and defining the problem of educator stress internationally and examining educator stress in the context of school, education system, and education policy factors. Part I includes chapters on educator mental health and well-being, stress-related biological vulnerabilities, the relation of stress to teaching self-efficacy, turnover in charter schools, and the role of culture in educator stress. Part II reviews the main conceptual models that explain educator stress while applying an occupational health framework to education contexts which stresses the role of organizational factors, including work organization and work practices. It ends with a proposal of a dynamic integrative theory of educator stress, which highlights the changing nature of educator stress with time and context. Part III starts with the definition of what constitute healthy school organizations as a backdrop to the following chapters which review the application of occupational health psychology theories and intervention approaches to reducing educator stress, promoting teacher resources and developing healthy school systems. Chapters include interventions at the individual, individual-organizational interface and organizational levels. Part III ends with a chapter addressing cyber-bullying, a new challenge affecting schools and teachers. Part IV discusses the implications for research, practice and policy in education, including teacher training and development. In addition, it presents a review of methodological issues facing researchers on educator stress and identifies future trends for research on this topic, including the use of ecological momentary assessment in educator stress research. The editors' concluding comments reflect upon the application of an occupational health perspective to advance research, practice and policy directed at reducing stress in educators, and promoting teacher and school well-being.
Manage sales, service, and marketing processes all together
Find out how to manage customer information to make your business more productive
Whether you're completely new to customer relationship management (CRM) software or you just want the scoop on the newest version, this handy guide will get you going. Discover how to set up CRM 3, navigate and customize the system, use it to work with your accounts and contacts, collect leads, forecast sales, run reports, and much more.
Discover how to
* Develop and manage customer relationships
* Implement a sales process
* Set up security and access rights
* Generate quotes, orders, and invoices
* Manage leads and opportunities
* Create and use product catalogs -
Vasculitis in Clinical Practice
Richard A. Watts, David G. I. Scott, Chetan Mukhtyar
- Springer
- 26 Mai 2015
- 9783319148717
This book focuses on clinical presentation, diagnostic processes and current management of systematic vasculitis, and for this second edition the Editors have updated the treatment approach and nomenclature in line with current practice. Systemic vasculitides are a group of disorders which are of increasing importance. Many of these conditions are only rarely encountered by general physicians and often present significant diagnostic challenges. The Editors aim to provide easily accessible information in a pocket sized format. In doing so they hope to help both the generalist but also rheumatologists who only encounter these problems occasionally.
Practical Hive
Scott Shaw, Andreas Francois Vermeulen, Ankur Gupta, David Kjerrumgaard
- Apress
- 27 Août 2016
- 9781484202715
Dive into the world of SQL on Hadoop and get the most out of your Hive data warehouses. This book is your go-to resource for using Hive: authors Scott Shaw, Ankur Gupta, David Kjerrumgaard, and Andreas Francois Vermeulen take you through learning HiveQL, the SQL-like language specific to Hive, to analyze, export, and massage the data stored across your Hadoop environment. From deploying Hive on your hardware or virtual machine and setting up its initial configuration to learning how Hive interacts with Hadoop, MapReduce, Tez and other big data technologies, Practical Hive gives you a detailed treatment of the software.In addition, this book discusses the value of open source software, Hive performance tuning, and how to leverage semi-structured and unstructured data.
What You Will Learn
Install and configure Hive for new and existing datasets
Perform DDL operations
Execute efficient DML operationsUse tables, partitions, buckets, and user-defined functionsDiscover performance tuning tips and Hive best practices
Who This Book Is For
Developers, companies, and professionals who deal with large amounts of data and could use software that can efficiently manage large volumes of input. It is assumed that readers have the ability to work with SQL.
Clarifies modern data analysis through nonparametric density estimation for a complete working knowledge of the theory and methods Featuring a thoroughly revised presentation, Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization, Second Edition maintains an intuitive approach to the underlying methodology and supporting theory of density estimation. Including new material and updated research in each chapter, the Second Edition presents additional clarification of theoretical opportunities, new algorithms, and up-to-date coverage of the unique challenges presented in the field of data analysis. The new edition focuses on the various density estimation techniques and methods that can be used in the field of big data. Defining optimal nonparametric estimators, the Second Edition demonstrates the density estimation tools to use when dealing with various multivariate structures in univariate, bivariate, trivariate, and quadrivariate data analysis. Continuing to illustrate the major concepts in the context of the classical histogram, Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization, Second Edition also features: Over 150 updated figures to clarify theoretical results and to show analyses of real data sets An updated presentation of graphic visualization using computer software such as R A clear discussion of selections of important research during the past decade, including mixture estimation, robust parametric modeling algorithms, and clustering More than 130 problems to help readers reinforce the main concepts and ideas presented Boxed theorems and results allowing easy identification of crucial ideas Figures in color in the digital versions of the book A website with related data sets Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization, Second Edition is an ideal reference for theoretical and applied statisticians, practicing engineers, as well as readers interested in the theoretical aspects of nonparametric estimation and the application of these methods to multivariate data. The Second Edition is also useful as a textbook for introductory courses in kernel statistics, smoothing, advanced computational statistics, and general forms of statistical distributions.
The essential roadmap for the new realities of selling when buyers are in charge Sales and service are being radically redefined by the biggest communications revolution in human history. Today buyers are in charge! There is no more 'selling'-there is only buying. When potential customers have near perfect information on the web, it means salespeople must transform from authority to consultant, product narratives must tell a story, and businesses must be agile enough to respond before opportunity is lost. The New Rules of Sales and Service demystifies the new digital commercial landscape and shows you how to stay ahead of the pack. Companies large and small are revolutionizing the way business gets done, and this book takes you inside the new methods and strategies that are critical to success in the modern market. Real-world examples illustrate the new marketplace in action, and demonstrate the brilliant utility of taking a new look at your customer and your business. This new edition has been updated to reflect the current reality of this rapidly-evolving sphere, with fresh strategies, new tools, and new stories. Whether you're an independent contractor, a multi-national corporation, a start-up, or a nonprofit, this book is your essential guide to navigating the new digital marketplace. David Meerman Scott provides up-to-the-minute analysis of the current state of the digital commercial landscape, plus expert guidance toward the concepts, strategies, and tools that every business needs now. Among the topics covered in detail: Why the old rules of sales and service no longer work in an always-on world The new sales cycle and how informative Web content drives the buying process Providing agile, real-time sales and service 24/7 without letting it rule your life The importance of defining and understanding the buyer personas How agile customer service retains existing clients and expands new business Why content-rich websites motivate interest, establish authority, and drive sales How social media is transforming the role of salesperson into valued consultant Because buyers are better informed, and come armed with more choices and opportunities than ever before, everything about sales has changed. Salespeople must adapt because the digital economy has turned the old model on its head, and those who don't keep up will be left behind. The New Rules of Sales and Service is required reading for anyone wanting to stay ahead of the game and grow business now.
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
David Meerman Scott, Brian Halligan
- Wiley
- 30 Juillet 2010
- 9780470940938
The Grateful Dead-rock legends, marketing pioneers The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book. They encouraged their fans to record shows and trade tapes; they built a mailing list and sold concert tickets directly to fans; and they built their business model on live concerts, not album sales. By cultivating a dedicated, active community, collaborating with their audience to co-create the Deadhead lifestyle, and giving away "freemium" content, the Dead pioneered many social media and inbound marketing concepts successfully used by businesses across all industries today. Written by marketing gurus and lifelong Deadheads David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead gives you key innovations from the Dead's approach you can apply to your business. Find out how to make your fans equal partners in your journey, "lose control" to win, create passionate loyalty, and experience the kind of marketing gains that will not fade away!
Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead
David Meerman Scott, Brian Halligan
- Wiley
- 5 Août 2010
- 9780470940846
The Grateful Dead-rock legends, marketing pioneers The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book. They encouraged their fans to record shows and trade tapes; they built a mailing list and sold concert tickets directly to fans; and they built their business model on live concerts, not album sales. By cultivating a dedicated, active community, collaborating with their audience to co-create the Deadhead lifestyle, and giving away "freemium" content, the Dead pioneered many social media and inbound marketing concepts successfully used by businesses across all industries today. Written by marketing gurus and lifelong Deadheads David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan, Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead gives you key innovations from the Dead's approach you can apply to your business. Find out how to make your fans equal partners in your journey, "lose control" to win, create passionate loyalty, and experience the kind of marketing gains that will not fade away!
If you market a product, service, or idea in any business, industry or organization, you must read Tuned In: Uncover the Extraordinary Opportunities That Lead to Business Breakthroughs, a guide to understanding and meeting the needs of consumers, whether or not they make those needs clear. An easy-to-follow six-step process developed over the past 15 years can help you address unsolved problems, recognize buyer personas, quantify impact and create breakthrough experiences. Stop wasting time by guessing what your market needs and start understanding consumer desire.