Jennifer Scott
The royal portrait ; image and impact
Jennifer Scott
- Royal Collection
- 1 Septembre 2010
- 9781905686131
Portraits have played a central role in shaping the image of Monarchy. They have helped legitimise claims to the throne, reinforced dynastic ambitions, cemented political alliances, accompanied proposals of marriage, and even offered a glimpse into the private life of the royal family.
The Royal Portrait: Image and Impact brings together iconic images of kings and queens by some of the most celebrated portrait artists, including Holbein, Van Dyck, Gainsborough, Lawrence and Freud. It looks at the creation of a monarch's identity through portraiture over the past 600 years, assessing the influence of patron, artist and audience. The story is brought up to date with images of Her Majesty The Queen, including the work of the photographers Rankin and Annie Leibovitz, as the author considers the relevance of the royal portrait in the age of paparazzo photography and global media.
Large sparse linear systems of equations are ubiquitous in science, engineering and beyond. This open access monograph focuses on factorization algorithms for solving such systems. It presents classical techniques for complete factorizations that are used in sparse direct methods and discusses the computation of approximate direct and inverse factorizations that are key to constructing general-purpose algebraic preconditioners for iterative solvers. A unified framework is used that emphasizes the underlying sparsity structures and highlights the importance of understanding sparse direct methods when developing algebraic preconditioners. Theoretical results are complemented by sparse matrix algorithm outlines.
This monograph is aimed at students of applied mathematics and scientific computing, as well as computational scientists and software developers who are interested in understanding the theory and algorithms needed to tackle sparse systems. It is assumed that the reader has completed a basic course in linear algebra and numerical mathematics. -
L'associe ideal ; le nouveau medecin des urgences ; infirmiere et maman
Josie Metcalfe
- Harlequin
- Blanche
- 15 Juin 2004
- 9782280177122
L'associé idéal
Travailler aux côtés de son père dans le cabinet médical qu'il a créé est une joie pour le Dr Elizabeth Allen. Aussi, son départ à la retraite la laisse-t-il désemparée. Un désarroi qui s'accentue encore lorsqu'elle se voit contrainte, pour le remplacer, d'accepter la candidature du Dr James Sinclair, un médecin réputé de Londres. Celui-ci, en effet, ne risque-t-il pas de s'ennuyer dans la petite ville de Yewdale, et les patients ne vont-ils pas pâtir de ce choix ? Pourtant, James fait tomber peu à peu toutes ses réserves : le médecin est compétent et l'homme irrésistible. Jusqu'au jour où arrive sa fiancée.
Le nouveau médecin des urgences
Quand elle découvre qu'elle va devoir travailler avec Jack Madison, l'homme qui a disparu sans un mot, cinq ans plus tôt, en apprenant qu'elle attendait un enfant de lui, le Dr Lauren Scott-Dakers est atterrée. A l'époque, elle avait cru mourir de chagrin, d'autant que le sort lui réservait une autre épreuve : son bébé n'avait pas survécu. Seul son métier lui a permis de ne pas sombrer. Aujourd'hui, côtoyer Jack lui semble au-dessus de ses forces. D'autant que lui, contrairement à elle, a refait sa vie puisqu'il a un fils.
Infirmière et maman
_ Voyons, Meg, tu es infirmière, pas bonne d'enfant ! Et aller t'enterrer dans ce trou perdu, en Ecosse.
Combien de fois la jeune femme n'a-t-elle pas entendu ces propos après avoir accepté l'offre d'Adam Kerr : être l'infirmière particulière de sa fille Jeannie, atteinte de leucémie ? Mais elle a consenti presque à son corps défendant, incapable d'ignorer la prière qu'elle a cru lire dans le regard de cet homme sombre et tourmenté.
This book presents an incisive outline of the historical development and geography of cities. It focuses on three themes that constitute essential foundations for any understanding of urban form and function. These are: (a) the shifting patterns of urbanization through historical time, (b) the role of cities as centers of production and work in a globalizing world, and (c) the diverse housing and shelter needs of urban populations. The book also explores a number of critical urban problems and the political challenges that they pose. Empirical evidence from urban situations on all five continents is brought into play throughout the discussion.
Explore the game-changing technology that allows mobile learning to effectively reach K-12 students Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Developers, Educators and Learners provides research-based foundations for developing, evaluating, and integrating effective mobile learning pedagogy. Twenty-first century students require twenty-first century technology, and mobile devices provide new and effective ways to educate children. But with new technologies come new challenges-therefore, this handbook presents a comprehensive look at mobile learning by synthesizing relevant theories and drawing practical conclusions for developers, educators, and students. Mobile devices-in ways that the laptop, the personal computer, and netbook computers have not-present the opportunity to make learning more engaging, interactive, and available in both traditional classroom settings and informal learning environments. From theory to practice, Mobile Learning explores how mobile devices are different than their technological predecessors, makes the case for developers, teachers, and parents to invest in the technology, and illustrates the many ways in which it is innovative, exciting, and effective in educating K-12 students. Explores how mobile devices can support the needs of students Provides examples, screenshots, graphics, and visualizations to enhance the material presented in the book Provides developers with the background necessary to create the apps their audience requires Presents the case for mobile learning in and out of classrooms as early as preschool Discusses how mobile learning enables better educational opportunities for the visually impaired, students with Autism, and adult learners. If you're a school administrator, teacher, app developer, or parent, this topical book provides a theoretical, well-researched discussion of the pedagogical theory and mobile learning, as well as practical advice in setting up a mobile learning strategy.
This anthology explores how theatre and performance use home as the prism through which we reconcile shifts in national, cultural, and personal identity. Whether examining parlor dramas and kitchen sink realism, site-specific theatre, travelling tent shows, domestic labor, border performances, fences, or front yards, these essays demonstrate how dreams of home are enmeshed with notions of neighborhood, community, politics, and memory. Recognizing the family home as a symbolic space that extends far beyond its walls, the nine contributors to this collection study diverse English-language performances from the US, Ireland, and Canada. These scholars of theatre history, dramaturgy, performance, cultural studies, feminist and gender studies, and critical race studies also consider the value of home at a time increasingly defined by crises of homelessness - a moment when major cities face affordable housing shortages, when debates about homeland and citizenship have dominated internationalelections, and when conflicts and natural disasters have displaced millions. Global struggles over immigration, sanctuary, refugee status and migrant labor make the stakes of home and homelessness ever more urgent and visible, as this timely collection reveals.
This book offers insights into how design-based processes, principles, and mindsets can be productively employed in diverse P-16 educational spaces by a myriad of educational actors including teachers, instructional leaders, and students. It addresses concerns about the theoretical and practical implications of the still emergent emphasis of design in education. The book begins by examining a number of prominent design processes being used by educators including human-centred design, designing for authentic inquiries, and Universal Design for Learning. It then delves into how teachers, system leaders, and students can engage in educational design within the complex spaces of K-12 contexts. Finally, the book takes up design in education within a maker and making context. Each chapter includes a vignette, a series of guiding questions, along with specific design principles that can help address common challenges and issues educators encounter in their practice.
This book provides both theoretical and practical elements involved in educational design and is beneficial to scholars, graduate students, educators, and pre-service teachers. -
Une histoire par jour pour débutants
Leonard Judge, Gail Marshall
- DC Canada Education Publishing
- 31 Juillet 2024
- 9781772056150
Lancé en 2018 et traduit en 2021, Une histoire par jour pour débutants est une série de 365 petits contes divisés en 12 livres qui abordent une variété de sujets. La série est conçue pour encourager le dévelopement total des enfants--sur le plan linguistique, intellectuel, social, et culturel--à travers la lecture.
One Story a Day for Beginners
Leonard Judge, Gail Marshall
- DC Canada Education Publishing
- 12 Juillet 2024
- 9781772053203
One Story a Day for Beginners is a series of 365 little stories in 12 books that touch on a wide variety of topics. The series is designed to foster children's total development-linguistic, intellectual, social, and cultural-through the joy of reading.
One Story a Day
Leonard Judge, Yang Liu, Gail Mcleod
- DC Canada Education Publishing
- 15 Juillet 2024
- 9781772059038
One Story a Day for is a series of 365 stories in 12 books that touch on a wide variety of topics intended for slightly older children than the Early Readers set. The stories, written by Canadian authors, are inspired by life lessons, fables from around the world, nature, science, and history. The series is designed to foster children's total development-linguistic, intellectual, social, and cultural-through the joy of reading.
One Story a Day
Leonard Judge, Yang Liu, Gail Mcleod
- DC Canada Education Publishing
- 15 Juillet 2024
- 9781772059045
One Story a Day for is a series of 365 stories in 12 books that touch on a wide variety of topics intended for slightly older children than the Early Readers set. The stories, written by Canadian authors, are inspired by life lessons, fables from around the world, nature, science, and history. The series is designed to foster children's total development-linguistic, intellectual, social, and cultural-through the joy of reading.
One Story a Day for Early Readers
Leonard Judge, Yang Liu, Gail Mcleod
- DC Canada Education Publishing
- 24 Juillet 2024
- 9781772058949
One Story a Day for Early Readers is a series of 365 little stories in 12 books that touch on a wide variety of topics intended for slightly older children than the Beginners set. The series is designed to foster children's total development-linguistic, intellectual, social, and cultural-through the joy of reading.
When she arrived at Madame Chic's Parisian apartment as a foreign exchange student, Jennifer Scott was a casual California girl who thought sweatpants were appropriate street attire. Madame Chic took Jennifer under her wing and tutored her in the secrets of how the French elevate the little things in life to the art of living. - See more at: