'The best 'bird's eye view' of the helicopter war in Vietnam in print today ... Mills has captured the realities of a select group of aviators who shot craps with death on every mission' R.S. Maxham, Director, US Army Aviation Museum
The aeroscouts of the 1st Infantry Division have three words emblazoned on their unit patch: Low Level Hell. It was the perfect concise defininition of what those intrepid aviators experienced as they ranged the skies of Vietnam from the Cambodian border to the Iron Triangle. The Outcasts, as they were known, flew low and slow. They were the aerial eyes of the division in search of the enemy. Too often for longevity's sake they found the Viet Cong and the fight was on. These young pilots, who were usually 19 to 22 years old, invented the book as they went along. -
Urban Regeneration
Peter Roberts, Hugh Sykes, Rachel Granger
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 23 Avril 2016
- 9781473906167
Urban Regeneration is widely discussed but less widely understood. Fully revised with important new policy, case studies and international analysis, the Second Edition of Urban Regeneration will correct that. The 16 chapters, written by leading experts, are organised into four sections: The Context for Urban Regeneration: The history and evolution Major Themes and Topics: Including Housing, Community, Employment and the Environment Key Issues in Managing Urban Regeneration: Including Legal and Organisational considerations Experience Elsewhere and a View of the Future: Expanded section now discussing Australia and the Celtic Fringe as well as Europe and the USA This is the essential handbook for practitioners involved in regeneration, as well as students of planning, urban studies, geography and architecture.