Scott Thomas
Le coaching biblique ; former des leaders selon l'Evangile
Tom Wood
- Publications Chretiennes
- 15 Avril 2019
- 9782890823310
Plusieurs responsables de nos Églises sont découragés et déprimés devant l'ampleur de la tâche de diriger et de servir le peuple de Dieu. En réalité, tous les responsables - y compris les pasteurs - ont besoin d'une personne qui les aidera dans leur quotidien et leur rôle de leader en les encourageant, en les reprenant et en les soutenant avec des paroles de sagesse.
Dans ce livre, Scott Thomas et Tom Wood proposent une forme de coaching qui est principalement centrée sur l'Évangile. Dans cet objectif, les auteurs ne se limitent pas à décrire les critères et les techniques pour être un berger ou un coach efficace, mais ils expliquent comment ces pratiques doivent être motivées par un coeur que l'Évangile a transformé.
Cette ressource sera utile aux pasteurs et aux leaders, afin qu'ils conduisent le troupeau de Dieu dans sa mission, à la manière de Jésus-Christ, le bon berger, c'est-à-dire avec amour et pour la gloire de Dieu.
Was it better that our ancestors chose to migrate to Canada, or should they have gone to the U.S.? Snow and ice and high taxes? Or unaffordable health care, guns in kindergarten, and great weather? And didn't they have to film the hit movie Chicago in Canada because we had the studios, the gaffers, and the 65 cent dollar? Gould takes a hard look at our measurement systems: how Canadians have welcomed the metric system (except for weights and distances) while the Americans - along with only Burma and Liberia - have clung to pounds and miles. What about our national dreams? Gould defines the American Dream as the obligation for every American to achieve fame, fortune, and a trophy wife up to one-half the age of the first one, but only after he accomplishes the first two. The Canadian Dream is to pay a serviceman in cash to avoid the GST, to go to Hawaii (if you live in B.C.), and to be able to move to the U.S. to make real dollars. And what about our different political systems? In the U.S. there is serious debate about campaign finance reform; in Canada, we turn to Hansard to follow a similar discussion: "Oh shut up." "YOU shut up." "Up yours!" "Oh yeah? You'd probably enjoy that, Svend." G.I. Joe or Anne of Green Gables could be just about the funniest book you'll read this fall.
It is now 35 years since Deep Purple first came together and today - 14 musicians, 17 albums, and millions of record sales later - the group remains a monster. Smoke on the Water is the first book in more than 20 years to tell the story of this remarkable band, from their grandiose inception in 1968 to the release of their latest album in 2003. Drawing from candid interviews with band members, associates, and fans alike, it traces the group through some of the most turbulent times that any band has survived, placing the band's own music in vivid context and illustrating just how profoundly this one group helped change the world.
When the Disney Channel aired its original movie High School Musical in January 2006, they were expecting a fairly solid ratings response. What they got was a cultural phenomenon that not only launched the film into the stratosphere, but also turned its young cast into superstars. The first time the show aired, it drew almost eight million viewers; the next night, on a repeat airing, another six. The movie soundtrack hit No. 1 on the Billboard pop-music charts six weeks after its release, with nine singles from the soundtrack on the chart in the same week.
The May 2006 release of the DVD sold 400,000 units on its first day; Disney has a version that high schools around the country can license and perform; there are talks about a Broadway version, the sequel High School Musical 2 is scheduled to go into production in January 2007 for a summer 2007 airing, and the soundtrack album has gone triple platinum and remains in Billboard's Top 20.
All In This Together: The Unofficial Story of High School Musical is a comprehensive look at the creation and making of this landmark film. It provides detailed profiles of its cast members, including Zac Efron, Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, and Corbin Bleu. It explores in detail the film's impact, following the cast as they promote High School Musical around the world, and providing all available information and conjecture about High School Musical 2. Timed for release in advance of the movie's sequel, All In This Together: The Unofficial Story of High School Musical is the perfect collectible for the film's millions of fans. -
A hilarious and moving account of one family's frantic countdown to Christmas Eve. Follow in the author's footsteps as he wrestles with giant Christmas trees, scrambles to get to his children's concerts, is swallowed up by the mobs in the mall, sings his choirs first tentative attempt at Handel's Messiah and enters into a desperate nationwide search for goats for his church's Christmas pageant. Christmas is a time of joy and memories, memories that are both sweet and tinged with sadness. In this book we share both the happiness and the grief that can accompany this season. Our Twelve Days of Christmas is a book that will resonate with every family, as it shares a story that is both unique and universal, a story of family and the genuine meaning of this holiday.
Oubliée dans la campagne du Kansas, à Kill Creek, une demeure ancienne se dresse au bout d'une sombre route de prairie. Elle est restée vide, abandonnée et en proie à la végétation pendant bien des années. Bientôt, sa porte se rouvrira pour la première fois depuis des décennies. Mais quelque chose attend, qui rôde dans les ténèbres, avide d'accueillir ses nouveaux visiteurs...Lorsque l'écrivain d'horreur à succès Sam McGarver est convié à passer la nuit d'Halloween dans l'une des maisons hantées les plus tristement célèbres du pays, il accepte à contrecoeur. Au moins ne sera-t-il pas seul : trois autres maîtres du macabre, qui tous ont contribué à façonner l'horreur moderne, vont se joindre à lui. Mais ce qui ne devait être qu'un coup marketing va se muer en lutte pour survivre. L'entité qu'ils ont réveillée va les suivre et les torturer, menaçant de les intégrer à l'héritage sanglant de Kill Creek...« À ne pas lire la nuit. » The New York Times Book Review« De l'horreur gothique intense, maîtrisée de bout en bout et superbement orchestrée. » Joyce Carol Oates« Une méditation sur l'horreur elle-même. Pourquoi nous en lisons, pourquoi nous y prenons du plaisir... Un talent de conteur digne de Stephen King. » The A.V. Club« Je pensais qu'il n'y avait plus de bonnes histoires de maisons hantées avant de lire ce roman. » J-F. Dubeau, auteur du Dieu caché« On n'avait rien lu d'aussi terrifiant depuis Shining. Une entrée en matière brillante, un talent remarquable pour susciter l'angoisse et la terreur... Scott Thomas s'illustre avec ce premier roman. »The Hollywood Reporter« Un récit angoissant et cinématographique, doublé d'une réflexion provocante sur le genre de l'horreur. Un must pour les amateurs de The Haunting of Hill House. »Booklist« Un groupe d'auteurs à succès qui se réunissent dans une célèbre maison hantée de la campagne du Kansas. Une entité menaçante qui se lance à leur poursuite lors de la nuit d'Halloween. Effrayant, tordu, un indispensable du genre. »Geeks of Doom« Des personnages réussis, une atmosphère inquiétante et une histoire morbide à souhait. Les amateurs d'horreur vont adorer. »Scream Magazine« Macabre et haletant, le must de l'horreur. Rappelant les classiques comme The Haunting of Hill House, des éléments du cinéma d'horreur japonais tel The Ring, et une pincée de l'épouvante d'Amityville... retournements de situation inattendus et peur panique au programme. »Fantasy Faction« Ce roman nous plonge dans un univers terrifiant, avec un final impressionnant. Ce premier roman fait de Scott Thomas une plume incontournable de la scène horrifique. »HorrorTalk« L'épouvante cinématographique de The Conjuring, la plume en plus. Le genre de livre qui nous rappelle l'époque où l'on dévorait les livres avant les séries. »The BloodList« Twists imprévisibles et personnages hauts en couleur au programme. »Horrible Imaginings Podcast« Au niveau de classiques comme Shining et The Haunting of Hill House. Intelligent, original et immersif. »Tracking Board
Flick, fake, and dribble your way to soccer mastery Prepare for the World Cup or learn the rules for your own indoor or outdoor league, with Soccer For Dummies. We cover the world's most popular sport from one end of the field to the other, starting with the history of soccer and the basics of the game. Discover the positions on the field, the best tactics for winning, and the skills the players (including you!) need in order to dominate. This update to the comprehensive guide introduces you to all the soccer greats and up-and-comers whose moves you'll want to know. You'll find extensive coverage of women's soccer, including women's world cup, the NWSL, Women's Super League, and the UEFA Women's Championship, and get descriptions of various leagues around the globe, and the lowdown on where you can find soccer games and resources, online and elsewhere. Learn how soccer got to be the #1 most popular sport in the world Get up to speed on the world's best leagues, teams, and players, so you can follow and enjoy the World Cup Discover tips on playing and coaching, plus fun soccer facts and resources for learning more Become the ultimate soccer fan with your newfound knowledge of the game Soccer For Dummies is for anyone who wants to learn more about soccer, the rules, how the game is played, how professional leagues operate around the world, and how to follow them.
This superbly illustrated book presents the most current and comprehensive review of oral anatomy for clinicians and researchers alike. In 26 chapters, the reader is taken on a unique anatomical journey, starting with the oral fissure, continuing via the maxilla and mandible to the tongue and floor of the mouth, and concluding with the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles. Each chapter offers a detailed description of the relevant anatomical structures and their spatial relationships, provides quantitative morphological assessments, and explains the relevance of the region for clinical dentistry. All dental health care professionals require a sound knowledge of anatomy for the purposes of diagnostics, treatment planning, and therapeutic intervention. A full understanding of the relationship between anatomy and clinical practice is the ultimate objective, and this book will enable the reader to achieve such understanding as the basis for provision of the best possible treatment for each individual patient as well as recognition and comprehension of unexpected clinical findings.
Innovation and Product Management
Kurt Gaubinger, Michael Rabl
- Springer
- 12 Septembre 2014
- 9783642543760
Marketplace complexity and dynamics create an environment that increases the uncertainty of innovation activities. In this context systematic management of innovation and product management are increasingly important for company success. This book presents the fundamentals of innovation and product management and introduces the reader to a holistic process model with particular focus on innovation and uncertainty. This integrated consideration of innovation management and product innovation within an interdisciplinary approach represents a unique characteristic of this book. The book is designed to address the needs of managers who want a practical but well-researched guide to innovation and product management. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students would also find the chapters in this book particularly useful.
Star Wars - clone wars Tome 1 ; la défense de Kamino
Haden Blackman, John Ostrander, Stephen Thompson, Jan Duursema
- Delcourt
- 10 Octobre 2007
- 9782756010434
Le sénateur Padmé Amidala , ex-reine de Naboo, échappe de justesse à un attentat. Elle est mise sous la protection d'Obi-Wan Kenobi et d'Anakin Skywalker, vieilles connaissances de Padmé. Une mystérieuse chasseuse de primes a pour mission d'éliminer Padmé, mais elle échoue et se fait tuer avant d'avoir pu révéler le nom de son commanditaire. Le conseil des Jedi charge Obi-Wan d'enquêter sur l'identité du meurtrier, et demande à Anakin d'escorter Padmé. La traque d'Obi-Wan le conduit sur Kamino où il soupçonne Jango Fett d'être le meurtrier. Celui-ci parvient à s'échapper oe