Yoshiko Hanatsu
Harlequin Comics: Cowboys, Babies and Shotgun Vows
Shirley Rogers, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 1 Janvier 2009
- 9784596831521
Ryder wakes up to find the girl he spent the previous night with is gone. He had helped her get to a motel after finding her drunk in a bar. She seduced him, and they spent a night of passion together...even though she was a virgin! Not only that, she is the daughter of a wealthy oil tycoon. It looked like it was never going to work, but when he thinks of her his heart skips a beat. He has to find her, and ask her why she dumped this confident playboy after just one night!
Harlequin Comics: Like a Hurricane
Roxanne St. claire, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9784596895127
Every man has his "one." His perfect woman... His soul mate... Once he meets her, he'll know she's the one. That's what Grandma always used to say. Well, Grandma-I met her! I met my one and only! She's a sexy young lady with ocean-blue eyes, and she's crazy about me! We're a perfect match....
Harlequin Comics: A Wife of Convenience
Kim Lawrence, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 1 Janvier 2013
- 9784596897596
"Be my scapegoat!" is what Rosie's twin sister said to her, begging her to act out a marriage with a man in order to make her boyfriend jealous. The fake fiancé was Morgan Urquart, a stunning, handsome man, who had a need to wed within six months to gain management rights to his company. With the understanding that this is merely a marriage based on contract, Rosie feels relieved, but at the same time starts to feel sweet, heartrending sorrow. Rosie tries to hide her discomposure while trying hard to act as her twin sister, but Morgan detects that she is a scapegoat...!?
Harlequin Comics: The Virgin's Seduction
Anne Mather, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 1 Janvier 2011
- 9784596646460
It's all my fault. All Eve wants is to live a quiet life as a teacher, nothing more. But she kept telling herself that all her troubles-being abandoned by her mother, abused by her stepfather-are her own fault. And when she resists an unwelcome kiss from the minister at church, he hisses the same words at her: "It's all your fault."
Fleeing home, she encounters Jake, who gently consoles her with the words "Nothing is your fault." Eve feels she's been saved. But she can't cling to Jake... He is someone else's man. Someone else who is obsessed with youth and beauty, and who makes everyone around her miserable...
Harlequin Comics: Storm of Seduction
Cindy Gerard, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 1 Janvier 2012
- 9784596648532
Web Tyler, CEO, is sent to personally hire a famous photographer for his company's new catalog. Little does he know this photographer, Tonya Griffin, was actually his employee several years ago. Not only that, but after a night of drinking she confessed her love for him. Web, however, did not return her feelings. Right away, she knows who he is when he comes asking her to sign a contract, but he's made it clear that he doesn't recognize her. When his car gets stuck in a ditch, he has no choice but to stay with Tonya. While he finds it to be a great way for him to try to convince her to sign the contract, he can't help but feel strangely attracted to her pink personality. And Tonya? She thought she was over Web, but she still feels something for him even after his rejection. Will Web ever remember who she is?
Harlequin Comics: Millionaire to the Rescue
Ally Blake, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 28 Juin 2016
- 9784596649188
Brooke's life is on the verge of destruction. Following the death of her husband, Cal, in a car accident, she loses her house and reputation because of the debts he's left behind. At a loss, she is saved by Cal's best friend, Danny. The handsome man is always hopping from one fling to another, but he'd always been kind and courteous to Brooke. His encouraging words convince Brooke she's not alone and help console her aching heart. But she has to remember he's only showing her such warmth because she's the wife of his best friend...right?
Charlie, habitant au pied de la montagne, trouve et sauve Denver, immobilisé par une blessure. Alors qu'elle le soigne, elle remarque les restes d'une blessure par balle sur son corps. Cache-t-il des secrets? Cependant, elle aussi porte un secret qu'elle ne peut confier à personne. Elle est en fuite et un détective aux ordres de son mari vient d'apparaître en ville. Se sentant en danger, elle demande l'aide de Denver. Mais, est-il vraiment digne de confiance? Quels secrets cache-t-il?
Une décision déraisonnable
Carol Marinelli, Yoshiko Hanatsu
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 10 Juin 2019
- 9784596166456
Fleur est infirmière, elle vit seule avec son fils de sept ans, Alex, depuis le décès de son mari. Après deux ans de pause, elle décide de reprendre le travail, encouragé par l'un de ses amis qui travaille à l'hôpital. Pour son premier jour, elle s'emmêle les pinceaux et, alors que le patient est amené en salle de réanimation, elle revit le traumatisme qu'elle a eu à subir avec la mort de son mari. Ne parvenant pas à assurer sa mission, elle quitte précipitamment la salle et met en colère Mario, le nouveau docteur de la clinique. Pourtant, cette nuit-là, ce dernier rend mystérieusement visite à notre Fleur déprimée...
Trois jours pour aimer
Yoshiko Hanatsu, Marion Lenox
- Harlequin/SB Creative Corp.
- 10 Juin 2019
- 9784596253088
Une nuit d'orage, Erin tente d'éviter un chien étendu au milieu de la route, mais en donnant son coup de volant, son véhicule est projeté dans une rivière. Parvenant in extremis à se sortir de là, elle récupère le chien abandonné et finit par trouver un cabinet médical. Le docteur qui s'y trouve, Dom, les accueille chez lui, et le coeur d'Erin se serre face à tant de gentillesse... Le jour d'après, et contre toute attente, Erin offre son aide à Dom qui est débordé de toute part. Peut-être auprès de lui mettre-t-elle un terme à l'apathie dont elle souffre et trouvera-t-elle un sens à sa vie.