Plongez dans la version originale et intégrale d'une grande satire du stalinisme qui résonne encore aujourd'hui face à la montée des extrêmes.
Avec la collection NOT SO CLASSIC, lire en anglais devient un vrai plaisir grâce à :
Des notes de vocabulaire en marge (en français et en anglais) un dossier complet pour comprendre l'oeuvre, ses personnages, ses grands thèmes et son contexte des quiz pour mémoriser l'essentiel, de façon ludique des activités pour progresser en anglais, grâce au texte d'un auteur d'exception + les vidéos "Previously on" La synthèse (en anglais) du roman, chapitre par chapitre, pour ne pas perdre le fil de l'histoire.
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Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities.
Sage l'Ancien, vieux cochon respecté derrière qui se cachent Marx et Lénine, fait part aux autres animaux de son rêve, vision utopique d'un monde nouveau, plus égal et plus juste, débarrassé de Mr. Jones, le fermier incompétent et buveur. Après un soulèvement rondement mené, s'instaure une république animalière fondée sur l'égalité, mais les grands principes et les idéaux ne durent qu'un temps... Une fable politique à l'humour grinçant.
Penguin great ideas : books v. cigarettes
George Orwell
- Adult Pbs
- Great Ideas
- 7 Août 2008
- 9780141036618
Beginning with a dilemma about whether he spends more money on reading or smoking, George Orwell's entertaining and uncompromising essays go on to explore everything from the perils of second-hand bookshops to the dubious profession of being a critic, from freedom of the press to what patriotism really means.
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.
Whethre puncturing the lies of politicians, wittily dissecting the English character or telling unpalatable truths about war, Orwell's timeless, uncompromising essays are more relevant, entertaining and essential than ever in today's era of spin.
George Orwell was an inveterate keeper of diaries. The Orwell Diaries presents eleven of them, covering the period 1931-1949, and follows Orwell from his early years as a writer to his last literary notebook. An entry from 1931 tells of a communal shave in the Trafalgar Square fountains, while notes from his travels through industrial England show the development of the impassioned social commentator.
This same acute power of observation is evident in his diaries from Morocco, as well as at home, where his domestic diaries chart the progress of his garden and animals with a keen eye; the wartime diaries, from descriptions of events overseas to the daily violence closer to home, describe astutely his perspective on the politics of both, and provide a new and entirely refreshing insight into Orwell's character and his great works.
Includes such works as: "Bookshop Memories" - an autobiographical account of working in a bookshop; "Confessions of a Book Reviewer"; and, "New Words".