Entreprise, économie & droit
What if customers expect more than just a good product, excellent service and perfectly performing digital interfaces? And what if new technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and robotics offer possibilities that go beyond mere ease of use?
Digital ease of use is the new minimum. It has become a commodity. The customer now regards it as the most normal thing in the world to have access to limitless products and services with just a single click of a mouse. In the years ahead, companies will need to play an active role in the 'life journey' of customers: helping to make their dreams come true and removing problems from their daily lives. In addition, customers are looking increasingly to companies instead of governments to tackle societal challenges like climate change, health care and mobility.
If your company succeeds in providing outstanding digital service, becomes a partner in the life of your customers and provides solutions for major societal issues, you will develop 'an offer you can't refuse'.
Cet ouvrage apporte la solution à ce défi : un processus de changement qui va transformer le publicitaire en Conversation Manager. Ce dernier pose un regard neuf sur la façon dont les marques font leur place sur le marché, en collaboration avec le consommateur contemporain. Le dialogue y joue un rôle central. Écouter le consommateur et converser avec lui sont devenus indispensables. Vous y trouverez des outils concrets avec des exemples parlants pour adapter votre stratégie d'entreprise dans la direction du Conversation management, cela grâce à une quantité d'outils online conçus pour vous aider dans cette nouvelle fonction.