The disparity between Emma Woodhouse's self-confidence and her determination to arrange marriages for her friends while avoiding one for herself leads to a painful series of misunderstandings for everyone who suffers from her well-meaning altruism. This title is a comedy of manners that lays bare the limits on women's autonomy in Regency England.
Une veuve spirituelle et jolie, mais sans un sou, trouve refuge chez son beau-frère, un riche banquier.
Est-elle dénuée de scrupules, prête à tout pour faire un beau mariage, ou juste une coquette qui veut s'amuser ? Le jeune Reginald risque de payer cher la réponse à cette question. Grande dame du roman anglais, Jane Austen trace le portrait très spirituel d'une aventurière, dans la lignée des personnages d'Orgueil et préjugés et de Raison et sentiments.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.
Plongez dans la version originale et intégrale du roman le plus culte de Jane Austen, à l'origine des romances modernes.
Avec la collection NOT SO CLASSIC, lire en anglais devient un vrai plaisir grâce à :
Des notes de vocabulaire en marge (en français et en anglais) un dossier complet pour comprendre l'oeuvre, ses personnages, ses grands thèmes et son contexte des quiz pour mémoriser l'essentiel, de façon ludique des activités pour progresser en anglais, grâce au texte d'un auteur d'exception + les vidéos "Previously on" La synthèse (en anglais) du roman, chapitre par chapitre, pour ne pas perdre le fil de l'histoire.
+ 1 guide pédagogique destiné aux enseignants à télécharger sur des mises en oeuvre actionnelles et le déroulé des séances des analyses d'extraits une tâche finale un sujet BAC des fiches méthodologiques des fiches pour animer des clubs de lecture TOUS LES CORRIGÉS -
Récits de jeunesse / Teenage Writings
Jane Austen
- Langues Pour Tous
- 26 Septembre 2024
- 9782266340861
Edgar et Emma, La Belle Cassandra, Amour et Amitié : trois courts récits de jeunesse écrits par Jane Austen alors avait entre 11 et 14 ans.
Trois courts récits de jeunesse écrits par Jane Austen (1775-1817) :
- Edgar et Emma : La jeune Emma attend avec impatience et beaucoup d'émotion la venue de son bien-aimé Edgar dans la demeure familiale, mais les événements ne se dérouleront pas comme prévu...
- La Belle Cassandra : En quelques pages et douze chapitres très courts, le récit d'une journée pleine de péripéties et de rencontres de la jeune Cassandra.
- Amour et Amitié : Roman épistolaire composé d'une série de lettre rédigées par Laura, qui fait le récit édifiant de sa vie à la jeune Marianne, fille d'une de ses amies. Une vie émaillée de rencontres, de voyages, de fuites, de retrouvailles, de drames et de sensations fortes.
Invraisemblances, situations absurdes, personnages outranciers et ridicules : la toute jeune écrivaine se moque d'une façon réjouissante des romans sentimentaux en vogue à l'époque et en détourne joyeusement les codes. Les relations sociales et amoureuses sont dépeintes avec une plume acérée, dans un style enlevé et savoureusement parodique. -
Découvrez en VO les aventures de Catherine Morland, avec des traductions en marge pour vous aider à bien comprendre le texte original. Seventeen-year-old Catherine Morland is one of ten children of a country clergyman. She is invited by the Allens to accompany them to visit the city of Bath and partake in the winter season of balls, theatre and other social delights. But, alas for Catherine, life isn't like our dreams !
Niveau avancé -
Recueillie son oncle, il lui faut faire bonne figure. Entre frustrations et vexations, que sera-t-elle prête à sacrifier pour être acceptée dans le monde enjôleur de ses cousins ? Roman d'apprentissage précurseur, Mansfield Park est le plus surprenant des romans de Jane Austen.
Following a chance meeting with Mr and Mrs Parker, Charlotte Heywood accompanies them to their home in Sanditon, extravagantly vaunted by her hosts as the future epicentre of society summers. On arrival, our heroine finds herself confronted with a deserted town, which nevertheless begins to fill with holidaymakers.
In nineteenth-century England, two sisters are drawn into unhappy romances despite the cool judgement of one and the emotional intensity of the other.
Sanditon, Lady Susan, & The History of England: The Juvenilia and Shorter Works of Jane Austen is a rare collection is a must for all Jane-ites, representing what Richard Church regarded as Jane Austen's literary work-basket. It contains not only her hilarious History of England, illustrated by her favourite sister Cassandra, but the unfinished Sanditon, the novel of her maturity on which she was working at her death, aged forty-two. Also included are the two epistolary novels, Lady Susan and Love and Freindship [sic], and other, shorter works: The Watsons, Catharine, Lesley Castle, Evelyn, Frederic and Elfrida, Jack and Alice, Edgar and Emma, Henry and Eliza and The Three Sisters.This beautiful edition also features an introduction by Kathryn White.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Born into a poor family, Fanny Price is raised amid the daunting splendour of Mansfield Park by her rich uncle, Sir Thomas Bertram. Treated as an inferior by most of the family, Fanny forms a close attachment to her cousin Edmund, the only person to show her kindness. With the departure of her uncle to the West Indies and the arrival from London of the fashionable Henry and Mary Crawford, flirtation and romantic intrigue abound.
As Fanny becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the conduct of her companions, she finds herself isolated and forced to face the conflict between her sense of integrity and social expectation.> -
While enjoying a six weeks'' stay in fashionable Bath, the young and callow Catherine Morland is introduced to the delights of high society. Thanks to a new literary diet of the sensational and the macabre, Catherine travels to Northanger Abbey fully expecting to become embroiled in a Gothic adventure of intrigue and suspense - and, once there, soon begins to form the most gruesome and improbable theories about the exploits of its occupants.
An early work, but published posthumously, Northanger Abbey is a parody of the Gothic genre typified by the novels of Ann Radcliffe, as well as a witty comedy of manners in the style of Jane Austen''s later novels and, ultimately, an enchanting love story.>
These inventive and entertaining pieces display the early sparkles of wit and imagination of Jane Austen''s mature fiction. Written when she was only in her teens, they are by turns amusing, acerbic and occasionally downright silly.
''Love and Friendship'' and ''Lesley Castle'' provide parodies of the gentry and the fashionable idea of sensibility of the time. ''A History of England'' supplies us with a lively chronicle of English monarchic history. Also included in this collection are ''The Three Sisters'', ''Catharine'', the series of vignettes known as ''A Collection of Letters'' and ''Lady Susan'', an epistolary story which was recently adapted for the cinema. Taken together, these pieces display all the wry humour, shrewd observation and satirical insight of Emma or Pride and Prejudice.>
Pride and prejudice : the complete novel with 19 letters from the characters corespondence
Jane Austen, Barbara Heller
- Chronicle Books
- 8 Septembre 2020
- 9781452184579
Pride and Prejudice: An Epistolary Edition Containing Nineteen Handwritten Letters is a collection of the letters exchanged between Jane Austen''s characters in Pride and Prejudice. Glassine pockets placed throughout the book contain removable replicas of all 19 letters in the story. From Lydia''s announcement of her elopement, to Mr. Darcy''s honest, beseeching missive to Elizabeth, this deluxe edition pays homage to the power of these epistles . - Nothing captures Jane Austen''s vivid emotion and keen wit better than her characters'' correspondence. - Each letter is re-created with gorgeous calligraphy. - Letters are hand-folded with painstaking attention to historical detail. Perusing the letters will transport readers straight to the drawing room at Netherfield or the breakfast table at Longbourn. For anyone who loves Austen, and for anyone who still cherishes the joy of letter writing, this book illuminates a favorite story in a whole new way. - Step inside the world of Pride and Prejudice , one of the most beloved novels of all time. - Great Mother''s Day, birthday, or holiday gift for diehard Jane Austen fans - A visually gorgeous book that will be at home on the shelf or on the coffee table - Add it to the shelf with books like What Would Jane Do?: Quips and Wisdom from Jane Austen by Potter Gift, Jane-a-Day: 5 Year Journal with 365 Witticisms by Jane Austen Edition by Potter Gift, and The Real Jane Austen: A Life in Small Things by Paula Byrne.
Emma : intermediate. with extra exercises and audio Cd
Jane Austen
- Macmillan
- 14 Juin 2005
- 9781405074544
Jane Austen, Graeha
- Quirk Books
- 1 Mars 2009
- 9781594743344
Horror & ghost stories/Romance: historical/Parodies & spoofs
This is a unique edition of Jane Austen's early burlesques; Lesley Castle, an inspired novella in letters, and is presented here alongside A History of England, and Catharine.
Left impoverished upon the death of her aunt, Emma Watson has no option but to be reunited with her estranged father and siblings. Initially delighted with her new life, Emma soon realises that her family harbour many ill feelings, not least those springing from the sisters' hopes - and disappointments - in snaring a husband.
Guia de lectura Sentido y sensibilidad de Jane Austen
Jane Austen
- Paideia Educacion
- 2 Juillet 2021
- 9782759312818
La colección «Conocer una obra» os ofrece la posibilidad de saberlo todo sobre Sentido y Sensibilidad de Jane Austen, gracias a una guía de lectura tan completa como detallada. Su escritura, clara y accesible, fue confiada a un especialista académico. Esta guía de lectura responde a unos estándares de calidad definidos por un equipo de profesores. Este libro contiene la biografía de Jane Austen, la presentación de la obra, el resumen detallado (capítulo por capítulo), los motivos de su éxito, los temas principales y el análisis del movimiento literario del autor.
Pride & prejudice ; 200th anniversary of Jane Austen's death limited edition ; the literary masterpiece written by Jane Austen
Jane Austen
- Books On Demand
- 16 Août 2016
- 9782322156337
Pride and Prejudice is a novel of manners by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet, as she deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage in the society of the landed gentry of the British Regency. Elizabeth is the second of five daughters of a country gentleman, Mr. Bennet, living in Longbourn. Set in England in the late 18th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's five unmarried daughters after two gentlemen have moved into their neighbourhood: the rich and eligible Mr. Bingley, and his status-conscious friend, the even richer and more eligible Mr. Darcy. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy is disdainful of local society and repeatedly clashes with the Bennets' lively second daughter, Elizabeth.
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 5: Sense and Sensibility Audio Pack
Jane Austen
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 3 Mars 2016
- 9780194621199